Sgneep-Box Script Engine
Sgneep-Box is a Script Engine for people working in Digital Signage, Social Manager, Marketing and IoT.
Its purpose is to allow you to develop projects much faster than you could if you were writing code from scratch, providing a rich set of BOT functions for commonly needed tasks, as well as a simple interface and a logical structure to access these server functions.
Sgneep-Box allows you to focus creatively on your project while minimizing the amount of code needed for a given task.
Control and configure Sgneep-Box directly from remote server.
the user file config.
example how to work script engine in Digital Signage
example how to work script engine in Social Network mode
The syntax of the Sgneep-Box code is very simple. With the script language you can configure all the Digital Signage functions, Social Network functions, Scraping engine functions, and IoT devices in a single system.
The Sgneep-Box software work only and powered by Raspberry PI3 MainBoard and RaspBian Os.
(C)2018 R&D