MTMA Machine To Machine Api's
SgneepBox MTMA is able to make any SgneepBox device communicate without using public IP, both in the subnet and on the network. Works with any DHCP router.
With MTMA you can send any file or data.
MTMA Server Access
set Username and Password for custom wrapper:
mtm_user *value *username ( for your personal wrapper and .htaccess)
mtm_pass *value *password ( for your personal wrapper and .htaccess)
note: the value assigned by mtm_user and mtm_pass are passed to mtm_node
....POST: [value=*username][*value=*password][*MTM_NODE DATA]
set Node name:
mtm_node *key *server_url
Create Node if not exist.
mtm_create_node *key
Send Variables to MTM server
mtm_send *key data *var
Receive Variables to MTM server
mtm_load *key *var data
*key = access key
*var = sgneepBox Variables
Send image or file to MTM server
mtm_send *key *type *var *filenameDir
*type: file imgage | data
*var = variable or filename with any extension...
*path = directory of image to save
Load image from MTM server
mtm_load_img *key *ImageServerName *ImageLocalName *option
*ImageServerName = filename of image stored in your remote server
*ImageLocalName = filename of image stored in your RaspBerry pi3
*option = backup *dirfolder ( backup home/pi/Desktop/CBOT/DS/your_dir )
Backup Node Data with another name in the same mtm_server
mtm_backup_node *key [BACKUP_NAME]