SgneepBox GUI Engine Version 2 is written in Python and includes features such as alpha channels, canvas layers, buttons, sliders, images, sounds and Infrared Cam.

- This engine offers a powerful combination of tools that allows you to create a great user interface with little effort.

- The engine offers a wealth of design options, such as the ability to add visual effects, create custom controls, and add audio and video content.

- It is a versatile tool that makes the user interface more intuitive and engaging.

Compatible with all functions of the SgneepBox-script.

sgneepBox GUI

hide layer pointer (pointer arrow) :

cursor_type *hide | *unhide

clear old layer settings


layer resolution:

layer_resolution *width *height

declare new layer:


layer background commands:

background dimension *id *width *height

background path *id *DSpath [ *DSpath=/home/pi/Desktop/CBOT/DS/filename.png ]

make_background *id

input label ( support on-screen keyboard ):

label_input xy *id *x *y

label_input dimension *id *width *height

label_input store *id */Lpath [ *Lpath=/home/pi/Desktop/CBOT/RAM ]

make_label_input *id

double state button commands:

button xy *id *x *y

button dimension *id *width *height

button imgalpha *id *DSpath *DSpath

button call *id *call [ call_win, subscript, noircam, __BG__, __UPDATELOGO__, __UPDATEVIEW__]

button call_win 0 1

button change_bg 0 /PNG/SGN_BG_BLUE

make_button *id

text label commands:

label xy *id *x *y

label dimension *id *width *height

label color *id *fg *bg

label text *id *text[...]

make_label *id

show meteo :

meteo_xy *id *x *y

meteo dimension *id *width *height

meteo color *id *fg *bg

make_meteo *id

show�date :

date_xy *id *x *y

date dimension *id *width *height

date color *id *fg *bg

make_date *id

show time :

tme_xy *id *x *y

time dimension *id *width *height

time color *id *fg *bg

make_time *id

button level slider:

slider_lelel *id *x *y

slider_level dimension *id *widthBtn *heightBtn *widthBG *heightBG

slider_level *mode (ratio | bright) *id *minRatio *maxRatio

slider_level savedata *id *fileRAM

slider_level image_bg *id *DSpath [/DS/]

slider_level image_btn *id *DSpath [/DS]

make_slider_level *id

shown infrared camera :

camera mode NOIR

camera xy *id *x *y

camera dimension *id *width *height

camera image_path *id *path

camera video_path *id *path


make_camera *id

photocamera option:

camera set *id shot

camera set *id record

camera set *id stop

start Graphics Engine:

graphics_engine maxlayer *maxLayer

Simple Example:

# ==================================
# in this example: make single layer
# and add image in layer "0"
# ==================================
cursor_type hide
image_xy 0 400 150
image_dimension 0 200 50
image_path 0 /DS/PNG/SGN_TEXT_CONTAINER.png
make_image 0
graphics_engine maxlayer 1

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